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Supporting an employee with a partial work ability
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Supporting an employee with a partial work ability

It’s natural and normal for employees to face challenges in terms of their work ability at different times during their work career. Even though the work ability may be weakened, there is generally a fair amount of work ability remaining. The company, and supervisor in particular, play a vital role in supporting work ability and finding solutions.

A caring atmosphere makes it easier to support work ability, also in the most challenging situations. It supports the employee’s own motivation and desire to return to work, even after longer sick leaves. When a sick leave stretches out, the return to work becomes more difficult and the risk of permanent disability increases. Support for the return to work is, therefore, also an effective method for reducing the costs related to disability.

Click here to get more information about a partial work ability

Prolonged and repetitive absences due to illness increase the risk of permanent disability. Active measures to support work ability can, however, be used in the workplace to support the ability to cope at work and as a method to accelerate the return to work after a sick leave.

Effective support measures for work ability include:
Work adaptation can help to reduce absences due to illness (Ervasti 2020) and to accelerate the return to work (Johansson et al. 2006; Hultin et al. 2010; Dellve et al. 2016).
The use of a partial sickness allowance supports the return to work and the ability to cope at work (Kausto et al. 2012, 2014; Viikari-Juntura et al. 2012, 2017).

Click here to get more information about a partial work ability

Prolonged and repetitive absences due to illness increase the risk of permanent disability. Active measures to support work ability can, however, be used in the workplace to support the ability to cope at work and as a method to accelerate the return to work after a sick leave.

Effective support measures for work ability include:
Work adaptation can help to reduce absences due to illness (Ervasti 2020) and to accelerate the return to work (Johansson et al. 2006; Hultin et al. 2010; Dellve et al. 2016).
The use of a partial sickness allowance supports the return to work and the ability to cope at work (Kausto et al. 2012, 2014; Viikari-Juntura et al. 2012, 2017).

Supporting an employee’s return to work

Work trials are one of the most frequently utilised forms of rehabilitation provided within the earnings-related pension scheme in Finland. The work trial provides assistance for an employee who is returning to work after an extended period of sick leave. Supervisors play a vital role in supporting those in work trials and monitoring their progress.

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Supporting those in work trials

Work trials are one of the most frequently utilised forms of rehabilitation provided within the earnings-related pension scheme in Finland. The work trial provides assistance for an employee who is returning to work after an extended period of sick leave. Supervisors play a vital role in supporting those in work trials and monitoring their progress.

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